Your Privacy Is Important On MANFUN.NET

Last updated: 15 July 2023

What you get up to in your free time should not be the concern of anyone but you. Why would this be any different for what you get up to online?

A lot of site will tell you that they’re private, but will have site tracking, advertising tracking, user tracking and even where you scroll on pages. Some site also enrol you into CRM systems without your knowledge so that they can keep bugging you on regular intervals.

MANFUN.NET does not do any of this. We have no 3rd party tracking or CRM hooks in our site. We only store the information we need to make the service work.

The following is the information we store on our users:

  1. Username, Password (encrypted) and Email address – This allows you to have a unique account and to log in with that account. This also provide each user with a User ID which allows us to process your actions against your profile.
  2. Your location’s coordinates and timestamp for when you were last active – For the coordinates, we only store this up to 3 decimal places, which puts you in the correct area, but won’t dox you. (the more numbers after the decimal, the closer to you actual location it points.) The timestamp is not currently used, but will be in the future to give other users an idea of when last you were online.
  3. Profiles – For profiles, if you can see it in the profile, we stored it. Nothing more is going on behind the scenes. e.g. If you can only see someone’s profile title, that’s all that they’ve stored/shared.
  4. Liking a profile – When you like a profile, we store the user IDs of both users involved along with the timestamp of when the like button was clicked. This allows us to prioritize and display the most recent people who have shown interest in your profile.
  5. Profile Tags – Tags is stored against your User ID. This is for future functionality that will allow you to filter men by the tags in their profile.
  6. Board Posts – If you made a message board post or reply to one, the post text, User ID and coordinates will be stored for the location where you were when you made the post. (we also only store this up to 3 decimal places)

Should you decide to delete your profile, everything you did will be deleted, including board posts, replies, your profile, your location, your messages, likes and tags. Once you deleted your account nothing will be stored after the fact and cannot be undone as a result.

MANFUN.NET will never ask for you login details over email or the phone. Only you know your login credentials. Let’s keep it that way!



